Next on to Helmut and Gerda’s home, they also work out of their home. They have a tree farming business and sell tree’s and bushes to distributors, Russian distributors, if I got the story right. They are slowly retiring, so they are not planting anymore just harvesting as the trees/bushes get to a good age. Once again everything was excellent as we were treated to great conversation, great tea and snacks, and all round good time. Thanks Helmut and Gerda!
I really liked their tree farm and could imagine seem my self doing this career. I myself really enjoy gardening, trees, and ponds and felt a real bond with Helmut. Helmut also liked photography, like me, as he gave out some of his prize photos from his tree frame. Thank you, I plan on putting up a bunch of photos in my office from our all our travels and will find a special spot for your photos.
A picture of the road to the fields on the tree farm:

Some of the remaining bushes yet to be harvested:

The farmhouse, i really like the looks of the barn, very distinguished, one of these is likely to make my wall:

Ready for harvest?

Their home, they also have a really nice garden and a large pond:

Vines by the house:

Flowers on the some bushes in the gardens, i really like this bush and will see if i can find it for our home:

Another flower from the garden:

Helmut and Gerda and tea time (pictures have blurr, as i like to shoot without a flash and always seemed to catch someone moving):

Great tea and conversation:

There is a sketch of the Zwinger (Dresden) on the upper right of this picture. Dresden is a very popular place to visit with Germans and i was proud to see the sketch hanging up as it reminded me of our favorite German city:

More images from around the table:

Thanks again everyone it was great meeting everyone and thanks to Helmut and Gerda for taking care of us.
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