Trip to Moritzberg Schloss with my Parents and Noah:
Milestone at the front gates of the Moritzburg Castle:

My parents and Noah in front of the Castle:

Nesting swan on the lake surrounding the Castle:

The ramp up the castle (Noah and my Parents):

Another shot of one of the 5 turrets of the castle:

Another shot:

The whole castle, no angles. The castle was actually under repair so 2 of the Turrets were under construction. Last fall when we visited it was also under contruction, i am wondering if it is under a perpetual construction as they just keep going around it fixing it all the time:

Had to time this shot perfectly as the horse was moving, another horse was coming from the other direction, and cars were passing the horses and the Chestnut trees were blooming. Set up and waited and took my one shot, perfect timing:
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