Somehow we have been able to maintain contact with our distant relatives in German. I believe my Aunt Bee and Uncle Gus did the legwork here on our side (America), finding them and maintaining the connection. Unfortunately my Uncle Gus passed away earlier this year; he will be missed and would have really enjoyed hearing our stories and seeing all the pictures from everyone.
Growing up I knew of my German relatives and we even had Irene and Ute stay at our house in America when I was in high school. I remember what a big deal it was and how interesting it was meeting them. Now it was our turn to visit them and we were excited. My Uncle Pete (Butch, his family nickname) began exchanging sending old family letters to Heiko, who would translate them from old German to English (not an easy task as it is difficult to make these translations). The letters were very interesting and shed some light on older times and you could see history through a different perspective.
I am not certain of the order of all the events; my parents coming to Germany; Pete wanting to connect with his distant family and meet Heiko; us living in Germany for a year…, but it was clear that this all lead up to a weekend we will never forget as we were all going to get together in Westerstede; Pete and Stacy from Michigan, my parents from Florida, and us from Dresden (Minnestoans). So plans were set for the weekend of May 1.
Marga, Heiko, and Irene and our other German family members had done a lot of planning to make sure we had a great visit. We felt so welcome and humbled by all that was planned and done for us.
Marga coming to welome us from Lisa and Hennings farmhouse:
This was a great start to a real special weekend, thanks Lisa and Henning for opening your house to us!
The dinner. Karin(German Cousin), Gerda, and Helmut (German Cousin):
Some of the cows in Henning's family farm. The stable is attached to the house, not to far away as I imagine they need a lot of care and this is handy in the winter:
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