Statue in Mirabell Gardens:

Mozarts birthhouse:

Shopping down some of the streets in Salzburg:

More of Salzburg central:

Melissa scoping out a Dirndl for Kate, what do you you think Kate? Also note the guy next to Melissa has traditional Austrian clothes. Wearing of traditional clothes by average people was most common in Austria (although below 10%), we did not notice this very often in Germany (except for the Hofbrauhaus and this was perhaps for the tourists benefit).

Neptune Fountain, Fischbrunnen Fountain:

The local markets were great in Austria and we were able to put together a great lunch from some of the different market stands. Here is a traditional meat stand, very popular in Germany and Austria, where a lot of the local get the specialty meats:

During spargel (asparagus, i think the German name is much better) season, locally grown spargel can be found at stands all over and we found this to be true in Germany as well as in Austria. The white Spargal seems to be even more popular then green:

Flowers in a shop in the market area:

Rare picture of me, in front of the Horse fountain in Residenzplatz, also seen in the Sound of Music:

Salzburg Cathedral (Dom) and fountain with Hohensalzburg fortress in background. The statue is very interesting as it has Mary and Jesus on top, an angel on the side appears to be directing a bolt of lightning at the Devil below:

Vanias - the moving shadowy angle of death in the basement of crypt of the Salzburg Cathedral, pretty creepy stuff:

Yet another water fountain:

Another site from the Sound of Music: The nunnary where Maria goes to seek refuge, Nonnberg Abbey. She can be seen walking through this doorway in the movie. The Abbey is located in a peaceful area on the hill leading up to Hohensalzburg Fortress.

The inside was very much like the movie however it felt very peaceful and we were treated to what must have been the choir group rehearsing in an room as we could faintly hear the choir in the background, it was a real treat. We were alone as this site seemed off the beaten path

Next up to Hohensalzburg fortress on the hilltop:

View of the fortress from the top lookout tower:

The fortress had a church inside of it and a wedding was in session as we passed:

We stayed around to watch them release some doves at the end of the service. Here are the bride and groom about to release the doves:

View of Salzburg from Hohensalzburg fortress:

Me next to a lookout tower in Hohensalzburg fortress:

Noah playing ring toss in the fortress:

Spring time trees along the river:

One more picture of Festung Hohensalzburg, we could have easily spent another 2 days in Salzburg:
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