On our way home from Nice we spent the day in Potsdam. Potsdam is just on the outskirts of Berlin and was the residence of the Prussian kings until the end of WWI (1918). Sanssouci Park is where King Frederick the Great built a residence and huge park/gardens. There are several impressive buildings throughout the park and gardens after gardens. Also a short distance is the old town of Potsdam which has a great street, Brandenberger strasse, that is closed to traffic and makes for a great stroll through a great german town.
We just touched the surface of Potsdam in the day we spent, we will try to make it again to see more and hopefully the gardens will be further along. This is a very historic city with deep roots into the Prussian empire and also some cold war history as the Berlin wall seperated Berlin from Posdam and spies were traded here across one of the Potsdamer bridges.
If you get to Berlin this is a must see as it is a welcome break from the WWII/cold war history of Berlin.
Noah and Melissa planning out our walk in Sanssouci Park (this is a huge park and can considered a German version of Versailles):

One of the trellised gazebos that are found on the both sides of Sanssouci:

Side shot, still early spring in Potsdam:

Sans souci (French for "without worries"): one of the residences built by King Fredrick the Great:

Terraces of vineyards lead up to the front of Sanssouci:

Noah with no worries:

The Orangery Palace, another of the many palaces in the park:

Orangery close up:

Arches at the Orangery:

Neues Palais, another palace in the park:

Changing of the Guards:

The Communs: one of the two identical building in front of the Neues Palais (Melissa and Noah on the stoop):

Potsdam's Brandenburg Gate (actually older then the better known Berlin Brandenburg Gate) near the Old town and Market Square. This is a great area for shopping and eating lunch as the Old town features a closed off street with shops and vendors:

Brandenberger strasse:

Just off of Brandenberger strasse:
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