This is my last posting on our visit to Westerstade. We had a great time and we made some friendships that we will maintain. I feel very fortunate to have had these experiences with our relatives and will cherish them for a long time. My parents and Pete and Stacy were able to stay longer than we did and thus got to spend more time with our relatives. Unfortunately we had a limited time to spend with everyone as I am running low on vacation, the Kids have school here in Germany, and Melissa is running out of time to complete her research work.
We were all thinking of my Aunt Bee, a very faithful reader of my blog, and my Uncle Gus (bless him) while we were visiting Westerstade; again they would have loved to be here with all of us as they were world travelers, loved visiting our German family, and established/maintained a lot of the connections that made this possible. I tried to share a lot of pictures of the places and people we saw so she could enjoy our experiences and see the familiar faces and places.
One more picture of St. Peters church (this is where Gerd was baptised), I really like this style of church, with the mini steeples and the tall tower.

At the spring festival enjoying some of great german brats and pommes:

Houses just off the main street:

In the city center:

The city hall:
Thanks for sharing your experiences ... I look forward to returning to Germany myself - but it will certainly take time for me to acclimate to no air conditioning and the high pollen count. LOL!
Seeing how the temperatures this spring have been 20C and below here and about 30C+ in Minnesota i think you will be fine without the air conditioning. We have had a cold spring here, started out nice earlier but now we seem to be stuck. If you are coming bring a jacket.